Tab, Bag, Repeat

These steps are not glorious, and they are not fun.  In the end, the boat looks the same, and it wears me down to feel like I'm spinning a wheel like a gerbil.  Regardless, to make the boat strong, I've been spending all my evenings wedged under the cockpit floor.  One day I'm grinding down to the old substrate, or improving the fillets.  The next, I'm sanding.  Finally I bag carbon to sort things permanently.  If I'm smart I use a wet-on-wet technique, following a tacky fillet immediately with carbon and a bag.  Often, I don't have the bandwidth after work to do these steps in one shot.  Nonetheless, progress has been made.  The underside of the foot push rebates now have a couple layers of Carbon, as does the backside of the DD hump.  Here's a few pics that tell the story.


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