Finalizing the Propane Locker Bucket

The main bucket got a few notable tweaks.  First floor was cut from a scrap.  I bonded it in place with a fillet on the inside and a layer of carbon bagged over the bottom.

With the deck just a tick thinner than anticipated, I found that I needed to add 8mm to the height of the bucket.  First I grabbed the original cutoff and glued it on top.  Then I set about marking it to trim at the set height.  To do this, I used a sailmaker trick passed on to me from master craftsman, Eric Taylor.  Rumor is that he stole it from the great Bruce Peterson, and I've passed it on to countless employees at the shop who presumable carry it forward.  This is something that everyone can use.  It's one of the best magic tricks I know.

  • Fold a piece of monofilm in half around the tape you want to slit.
  • Use push pins to control the width.
  • Hammer a razor of any kind through the whole lot and into the workbench.
  • Pull.


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