Bad Waxing

I had my first bad experience trying to de-mold a part today.  Until now, I've been very lucky.  I typically just rub on 4 coats of Maguiars mold release wax, following the instructions on the can, and call it good.  Lately, I've gotten a little lazy with time allotments between coats, and using paper towels, instead of proper cotton terry cloths.  Additionally, I've been pretty sloppy with my sanding, not really stepping through all the grits.  Today I paid the price for my hubris.

To get the new floor hump off the mold I literally destroyed it, chiseling it out bit by bit.  I had every door shim and plastic spatula in the shop pounded under the flange of this bad girl before the MDF literally parted in the middle.  Chipping the rest of the mold out of the rise with a hammer and wood chisel was pretty annoying.  Somehow I got it sorted.  Thank god I didn't need a second part off this mold, as it was reduced to wood chips at my feet.

For reference, the layup included 6 layers of 400gsm at various orientations, with a total of 12 layers on the flats where the mainsheet blocks and traveller lie.  Without a core, I wanted to go extra tough to create not necessarily more strength, but more overall stiffness.  After making a set of monofilm templates for the various layers using my sailmaker skillset, I wet out the carbon between 2 layers of 4mil poly film, then traced and cut my parts with a utility knife before draping them on the mold and bagging them down.


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