Engine Box Origami 2.0

Weird things remind weirdos of weirder things.  

My engine box in final form makes me think of the Grandidlier's Baobab trees of Madagascar.  I am not exactly why that is, but perhaps, if you are weird enough, you can see the resemblance as well.

Here is a little photo overview of how this bit came together.

I knocked back the PVC foam at all edges, filled with bog, and laid +/-45 tape to make them crisp and strong.

With almost no space for my stair run, I struggled a bit to find a solution.  I had remembered Pete Melvin's, great Mama Tried, which I had spec'd sails for at some point, had some kind of little nubs, or alternating footholds to get in and out.  Borrowing from that, and digging around on google, I eventually chose to go with an alternating step idea.

I debated for a long time about whether one should lead with the right foot of left foot when climbing, or descending a ladder.  I am desperate for foot space by the kitchen island, so in the end I decided to step first with my left leg, even if somewhat unnatural for me.  There is some worry that newbies on the program will take a few hard falls down the companionway before they have the muscle memory, so consider yourself warned!

With steps tacked in place, they were braced, filleted, and taped for strength.

To hold it altogether, I used some rubber cam latches that I noticed on some hatches on the production Ranger Tugs, an important client for us at Raptor Deck.  I'm quite pleased how the ultralight latches worked out.  The don't rattle, they won't scratch anything, and they are super lightweight.  

Check em out.


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