Dan's Doghouses Ltd.

Collin blew me up on my ferry ride home...

"Hey, I got this project.  My customer wants to put a telephone booth on some old hull he's in love with?"


To make a long story short, a few folks up at Platypus were looking to build a cabin on an existing Radon 26 hull.  The debrief was extremely limited.

  • we want to use Coosa
  • we want you to cut it out
  • we want it completely flat panel
  • we don't have any drawings 

With almost no info, here's what I put together.  I tried to convince them to let me cut one out of cardboard for a test fit, but they just wanted to push it along, so this happened in one shot, sight unseen.  I've actually never seen this one, but some pics were shared back for my entertainment.

Here was the one pic provided, along with my questions for the builder.

Collin and Christa came by and we got the parts milled painlessly, including the puzzle joins, and the window rebates.  Coosa can make one very itchy, so the worst part was just keeping the shop tidy.

Each panel edge in the nose cone was milled with bevelled edges.  Here is a dry fit, sucked together by twist ties.  Also note the boat ceiling in this pic leaning against the back wall.  As part of the kit, we included a little chip board grid template to create a rocker table to torture the roof into the needed arc during lamination.


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