
Flipping the boat is the kind of sketchy business that attracts me like a moth to a light.  

Leading up to this day, I had searched the internet, talked to friends, and puzzled about it all.  At one point, I actually considered building big plywood discs around the hull, and just rolling her like a beer can, but that seemed expensive and time consuming.  Finally on April 30th, I just snapped and we went for it in the most sketchy way possible.  I put an eye on the overhang of my garage, and positioned my gantry crane at the transom.  With the help of a flipping rope, and a catching rope belayed to a tree, my son and I just sent it, as the kids say.

There was a tiny bit of pre-planing before the big day.  At least I had the sense to make some cradles for the boat to sit on when upside down.  For the bow, I templated the deck curvature just ahead of the doghouse with some door skins, and a hot glue gun.  With that curve digitized, I used a compression bit in the CNC and smoked out a front bunk.  For the back cradle, I used a more primitive method involving a stack of 2x4s and some threaded rod.


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